Hi friends! I’m Tara. I’m so glad you’re here!
I started this blog in March 2013 or one reason: I wanted a place where I could write about my faith.
I’ve been a Christian since I was about 12 years old and during those early years, I was all in. If I wasn’t at school or work, I was at the church - at youth group, working in the nursery, or singing in the choir. My family wasn’t a “church family” - I went because I wanted to. I loved it.
Then I moved away from home for university and did some pretty significant backsliding. I partied and hooked up with guys who weren’t good for me. I got good grades and learned a lot in my classes but spiritually, I was stalled and no longer growing in my faith. And honestly, at that time? I didn’t really think too much of it.
That changed in May 2012, when, after a chance encounter outside my apartment building, I heard God speak for the first time in years. That was all the encouragement I needed to start the journey back.
I’ve been on that journey ever since.

I met Jeff during my last year of university. About five and a half years later, we got married in a beautiful little chapel at a summer camp just outside the city. We have two cats, Lyla and Nala, who bring a lot of entertainment to our lives.
I am very blessed to have some of the greatest friends in the whole world. Some live close, while others are a little bit farther away. My best friend - Keri, my person - lives in Ontario (right now), which means I go to Ontario basically every summer to see her. Fun fact: we have seen the Jonas Brothers three times together (four if you count that time at Much Music). Judge away - I don’t care!
Outside work, I volunteer at my church in kids ministry. I serve as the youth group coordinator, as well as a small group leader (Grades 2-3). This means I am usually pretty up to date on pop culture and tend to have at least a couple bags of candy with me at all times. Hope you like Starburst!
Things I’m passionate about:
God’s word. Worship music. Community.
The Columbus Blue Jackets. Young adult fiction.
The Columbus Blue Jackets. Young adult fiction.
Kids/youth ministry. Building strong relationships.
Starbucks. Giving. Organizing. Loving others well.
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