The Liebster Award is kind of like a chain letter...only unlike those annoying ones that tried to convince you you'd either come into a large sum of money or, alternatively, die in the next 24 hours if you don't pass it on, the Liebster Award is simply meant to help bloggers gain some exposure. Want to learn more? Details can be found here.
If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award and you choose to accept it, write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:
- Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog
- Display the award on your blog - by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a widget or a gadget (best way to do so = save image on your computer and upload it to your blog post)
- Answer 11 questions about yourself, provided to you by the person who nominated you
- Provide 11 random facts about yourself
- Nominate 5-11 blogs you feel deserve the award, who have less than 1,000 followers (you can ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display a widget that lets the readers know this information)
- Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer
- List these rules in your post
- Once you have written and published, inform the people/blogs you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster Award and provide a link for them to your post so they can learn about it (they may not have heard about it!)
Here's what Hannah asked me (along with my answers)
How long have you been blogging?
How long have you been blogging?
At this blog specifically, about two (very sporadic) years. Taking the longer view, though, I've been keeping some sort of a blog on and off since I was about 12 years old. Started with LiveJournal in high school (is that still a thing?), migrated over to WordPress in university (we had to create a professional page in j-school) and now, I'm here.
Are you a coffee drinker? If so, how do you like it?
After many years of trying to get on the coffee train, I can finally say I'm on the coffee train. However, I only drink iced coffee. And only a little bit at a time. Typically, I cold brew in a French press then either have some in a smoothie or with ice and reduced sugar French vanilla creamer. I also like Starbucks caramel iced coffee and the odd iced caramel macchiato.
I'm a sporadic poster working toward becoming a person who schedules. I've been using Kyla Roma's editorial calendar to help with the planning process lately - it's amazing and has totally changed the way I approach blogging.
Eggs, hands down. Eggs are the reason I could never be vegan.
I'm guessing this means to write posts? Starbucks. I do most of my writing at Starbucks. I find it much less distracting than home (plus the internet is kind of spotty, which is great for productivity).
Definitely a part-time thing. I didn't start blogging with the mindset of it becoming a full-time gig, though; it was (and is) meant to be a creative outlet for me.
(OK, technically both)
One of the big ones right now is to become more disciplined in terms of developing content. In other words, I want to move away from being a blogger who writes a new post once every two months. I also want to work toward finding a balance between writing serious and fun posts (I've definitely leaned heavier on the serious lately). Finally, I want to be more social and connect more with other bloggers!
That's tough - I like to do a lot of things! Travel. Read. Exercise. Yoga. Cook/bake. Dye my hair crazy colours. Take really long baths. I have a lot of interests.
Sure do. Typically, I'll share on Facebook once, tweet a couple times and share on Instagram. I usually only post about my blog when I have new content to share.
Not a specific person, but I'm inspired by people who live authentic lives. Which I know sounds really pretentious, but I don't mean for it to. Truth: there are few things I find more frustrating than fake people. I love and admire people who stay true to who they are.
+ 11 random facts about me
1. I have four tattoos - a music note on my left shoulder, a Hedley lyric on my right shoulder blade, a bible verse (ish) on my left forearm and half a line from a book on my right ankle (my best friend has the other half). I want more.
2. I've been in a long-distance best-friendship for like, 10 years.
3. I've seen the Jonas Brothers live three times. Each time, I was over the age of 16. Last time was during their last tour before they broke up. Judge away! I don't care. They were awesome.
4. I have an entire cupboard just for tea. The tea is sorted into bins based on type. I keep telling myself I don't need more, but then a new one comes out and I can't help myself. It's a sickness.
5. My other indulgence: Sephora. Last year, I was VIB Rouge...yeah. It's bad.
6. I used to be super indifferent about reading, which is crazy to think about now. I think it had more to do with being forced to read books I just didn't care about in high school.
7. My engagement ring is a morganite, not a diamond. It's exactly what I wanted. I've never wanted a diamond.
8. I generally wear the same items of jewelry every day: my engagement ring, my cross necklace and my FitBit. Sometimes I wear my little ring and my opal studs, too. Occasionally, I'll wear my grad ring and some kind of rafiki chain.
9. My Giving Key used to be part of that rotation, but I finally gave it away recently! Which means I'll likely order a new one soon. Time for a new word anyway.
10. Tweeted about this already, but it merits another mention: I FINALLY get why people like Mindy Kaling so much. I was pretty meh about her, but I read one of her books as part of my book club and then started watching The Mindy Project. I was genuinely and pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed both. I cannot for the life of me understand why that show was cancelled.
11. I'm about $350 away from paying off my trip to Kenya. I leave in 108 days. Whoa...
1. I have four tattoos - a music note on my left shoulder, a Hedley lyric on my right shoulder blade, a bible verse (ish) on my left forearm and half a line from a book on my right ankle (my best friend has the other half). I want more.
2. I've been in a long-distance best-friendship for like, 10 years.
3. I've seen the Jonas Brothers live three times. Each time, I was over the age of 16. Last time was during their last tour before they broke up. Judge away! I don't care. They were awesome.
4. I have an entire cupboard just for tea. The tea is sorted into bins based on type. I keep telling myself I don't need more, but then a new one comes out and I can't help myself. It's a sickness.
5. My other indulgence: Sephora. Last year, I was VIB Rouge...yeah. It's bad.
6. I used to be super indifferent about reading, which is crazy to think about now. I think it had more to do with being forced to read books I just didn't care about in high school.
7. My engagement ring is a morganite, not a diamond. It's exactly what I wanted. I've never wanted a diamond.
8. I generally wear the same items of jewelry every day: my engagement ring, my cross necklace and my FitBit. Sometimes I wear my little ring and my opal studs, too. Occasionally, I'll wear my grad ring and some kind of rafiki chain.
9. My Giving Key used to be part of that rotation, but I finally gave it away recently! Which means I'll likely order a new one soon. Time for a new word anyway.
10. Tweeted about this already, but it merits another mention: I FINALLY get why people like Mindy Kaling so much. I was pretty meh about her, but I read one of her books as part of my book club and then started watching The Mindy Project. I was genuinely and pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed both. I cannot for the life of me understand why that show was cancelled.
11. I'm about $350 away from paying off my trip to Kenya. I leave in 108 days. Whoa...
That's a wrap on my answers! Now, for nominees. Tagging...
Lindsay, who has been blogging about the road to publication
Lindsay, who has been blogging about the road to publication
Joanne, who needs to START WRITING AGAIN (hint, hint)
Bella, who has a really lovely blog with lots of wonderful things going on
Julia, who is such a constant source of encouragement (and who writes really beautiful poetry!)
+ anyone else who wants to do it (I need to read some more, newer blogs. Suggestions? I'm open to them!)
Bella, who has a really lovely blog with lots of wonderful things going on
Julia, who is such a constant source of encouragement (and who writes really beautiful poetry!)
+ anyone else who wants to do it (I need to read some more, newer blogs. Suggestions? I'm open to them!)
& here are my questions for my nominees (some old, some new)
- Why did you start blogging?
- What's your favourite post you've written?
- Coffee, tea, or both (or neither!)?
- What's your dream job?
- What goals do you have for your blog this year?
- What do your family and friends say about your blog?
- Morning person or night owl?
- What are your hobbies?
- Best book you've read recently?
- What's your favourite website?
- What's your main goal for 2016?
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